Saturday, July 6, 2013

Top 10 SEO Tips for 2013-2014

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps a keyword to be in 1stpage of Google search. But this is not so easy. I am going to let you know 10 tips for Off-Page SEO that might help you.
 1.  Choose a keywordnot from your mind before you choose your keyword go to Google Adward Keyword analytics tool and chose those keyword have less competition and have highest visitor.
 2.  Make sure the quality of your article of your post is not copy-past from internet you can take help to check if your article is copied or not from
3.  Make sure the Keyword density. Do not use same keyword over and over again. Use 4-5 times in an article but make the whole article relevant to the keyword.
4.  Off-Page and On-Page SEO are equallyimportant don’t think off-page SEO is everything. And just meta tag and meta description is not everything. Make sure SEO friendly url, use seo tricks with every image you use, make your website social and search engine friendly. Focus on the functionality of back end not only front end. Analyze your ‘competitor’website first, before you perform any SEO.

 5.  Do not use old seo trickswhere you can duplicate your whole article or part of it like in ‘Article submissions’ ‘Directory Submissions’ use White hat method and use ‘Forum Post’ ‘Blog post/comments’ ‘Social bookmarkings’ ‘Web 2.0 propertise’ and overall share your website to the all types of web servers. Join video/image/presentation sharing servers, also try to join some survey server (like popularity, website worth’ and so many servers if possible).

6.  Do not post (forum post /blog post/comments) where already huge amount of backlinks available and most of them are spam. Nothing worse than getting a backlink from a spam/ban source. There are so many source where you can’t delete the links once you put them. So be careful. One mistake will give you life time bad ranking to google! Follow Google updates.

7.  Always follow Google Panda and Penguin updates. Never use anything (post, image, logo, video, any content) that is not yours or open source. And must use owner source if you want to use 3rd party content and don’t forget to take permission of the owner.

8.  Do not hire someonefor SEO who does not know what he is dealing with. Be very careful. There is no forgiven for any mistake to Google especially where you don’t have any source to delete those links. Never hurry, slow and steady wins the race.
9.  Try ‘dofollow’ and high quality backlinksdo not use any ‘No-follow’ backlinks just waste of time and money. Try to update your website/blog regularly. If your website don’t have any option where you can post just create a ‘sub-domain’ called ‘blog’ or ‘news’ with your website and install WordPress or hire someone to perform your task. I take help from ‘PrivateOutsourcing’. They are cheap with highest quality web programmer. I like their 24 hours live chat service. Never hire someone/company who don’t have any live support.
10. Host with dedicate IPand fast internet speed is very important for your website. Google count this very much. I use BeingHost for hosting. All of their hosting package with dedicated IP. And they charge under $4 while others charge $12-$16 for the same facility.

Just follow these tricks you will be in the 1st page of Google very soon. And if you face any problem or need any tips just let me know. I will try to help you.



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